American Outdoorman began to bring you high-quality, affordable gear to keep you prepared for an ever-changing and threatening world. 

The country and the world as a whole is getting stranger and more dangerous by the day. And being prepared can get expensive - especially in an increasingly destabilized economy. 

We want to help the average person prepare themselves for disaster - and we pray that disaster never strikes. But in the case it does, we want you to be ready with the tools and skills you need to stay safe. 

We love our country and want to help everyone who wants and needs help to learn how to prepare and need to know where to find the tools and skills they need. 

Why Do We Serve You?

We serve you because we know that many don't know where to start on their journey to self-reliance. You don't know what you don't know and you don't know where to find what you don't know. 

We want to make it simple, straight-forward, and affordable to prepare for disaster. 

While there may not be a price for security and safety for your family, we know that practically, there is an economic factor to your investment in you own protection. You have to balance out your needs. And that's where we step in. 

We give you the best deals everyday.